My Dream Vacation

...where you might ask?

Many factors were considered. I've already been to so many places already so making the decision was difficult and depending on cash flow, not a final one. I'll leave it as countries in general but here's where I've already gone (in no particular order): Japan (lived there for nine years), Australia (six times, different places), New Caldonia, Tonga, Guam, Saipan, Okinawa (technically Japan but it is so different than the mainland), South Korea, Russia, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Phillipines, Thailand, India, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Singapore, hong Kong, Hawaii, Germany, Italy, France, the UK. I technically have travelled through Switzerland and while the train stopped, I didn't get out (too cold).. also been to Scotland but they are still part of the UK currently.

Whew, that's a bunch now that I remember it all. Still, there is somewere I want to go next...

Back to the Italy again. I'm unsure if I'll get sick of travelling there... ever.

usPosing colleseum mmmFerraris

Good food, good people (mostly) and everywhere looks great (except Naples... wow dirty city).

aisle dishes

Grocery stores were pasta heaven... and so were resturant menus.

What else then?

Sorrento and the Amalfi coast area of course for starts... then the East coast of Italy too... all the way up to Venice somehow. The start would have to be by rental car for ease of access. The train and a bit of walking or biking would work too but it is not as time effective as my 'ideal' vacation would require.

No photos here yet, of course, as I have not been there. Oh? you want pictures? Just click this LINK and you will get pictures via 'The Google'.