
Profession Selection

There is a separate choice to make. While you get to start the game as a rough selection regarding main class, part way through leveling your character you must choose a more specific class- herein called a profession. The selections are based on your class but when you start making a character, please try to determine the final profession from the start. You may desire to re-create a character after first playing the game. This is perfectly normal as there are thousands of combinations available for creation. Use your seven slots or simply create another seven slots by creating an additional login using _1, _2 etc at the end of your log in name.

Classes in no particular order but the professions are listed as ease of creation and playability. There are repeats as some professions are shared between classes. These shared classes will vary depending on what their base class was. Also, Warlocks are Male only while Fury and Huntresses are Female (as denoted by *). Note that on creation as well.

Upon hitting level 10, the game will boldly warn you that your character can no longer gain experience points (xp). While your character can certainly stay there and continue getting any shared treasure (gold is often split equally in a group) you will stop getting xp. The term is called Promoting and requires travelling to a larger town. There is one of nominal size on the island area new players start on. This island area is often called noob island or newb isle.

It is play style but it is also trying something new or perhaps you saw another player trying out a build you want to do as well.